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How many companies are in the Global 500?

Among the Global 500, 379 companies (75.8%) are from these six countries. Leadership by sector[edit] The following are the top-ranked companies in 2018 for each sector.

Where are the Fortune Global 500 companies located?

As of August 2021[update], just 21 (4%) of the Fortune Global 500 companies are located outside East Asia, North America, and Europe. Breakdown by region Region Companies Global share East Asia 211 42% North America 136 27% Europe 132 26% Rest of world 21 4% FortuneGlobal 500 list of 2020[edit]

How strong was the Fortune Global 500 in 2022?

The corporations on our annual list of the world’s largest companies showed their muscle in 2022, delivering record-high aggregate revenues of $41 trillion. But the Fortune Global 500 has been anything but static, as technological change and scientific breakthroughs threaten established leaders and elevate new winners.

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